How -To Videos and Explanations
There is lots of help out there on the web if you get stuck. Try some of these sites.
General Knitting Help
I like this site the best for the basics, but the other sites have useful information, too. Keep checking this site out. Amy, the author seems to be adding new videos of techniques all the time. There are also free patterns on the site and I just discovered a forum on the site.
25 years of knitting tricks want out of my mind, and into yours. (her words). This site has the answers to many of your knitting questions if you are willing to read the very clear explanations. I think this is for the knitter who has mastered the basics and now wants to master the finer points of knitting.
From the website, nonaknits, this is the tutorial section which has an interesting array of tutorials and knitting tips which are spot on! Especially good is the short row/improvisational knitting tutorial. Also reputed to be good is her sideways sock tutorial/pattern. I haven't tried it.
At the Purl Bee you'll find articles, tutorials, and lots of project ideas. BEST OF ALL, you bring your own voice into the conversation by posting comments and interacting with others.
Some good tutorials here, not just knitting but crochet, sewing, etc. Nice quality projects.
Knitting Humor: Basic Knitting Instructions
Hello How To Videos, Etc.
Has the basics and then some extra finishing techniques that are quite useful.
Knitting at Knoon Designs - Knitting Videos
Our tutorial knitting videos are designed to provide assistance for newer knitters with some of the techniques used in our knitting patterns.
Knitters Graph Paper - Create Charts
More Technique Help from Woolworks
General information, color information, sock information, knitting for dolls, spinning, dyeing, fiber information.
Lion Brand Yarn Company Dictionary of abbreviations
Dictionary of Knitting and Crochet Pattern Abbreviations with very good illustrations on techniques and how-to instructions on various knitting terms.
Common Threads Fiber Art Store
FREE * On-line Class Room * Beginning Knitting. Knitting videos for the beginners. Recommended by
General information and specific techniques. Check out her "how to" and other links in the links section.
Sara's blog for explaining knitting things: (she really (!) does explain things!). General information but this is really geared for the more experienced knitter who is willing to read the detailed account of how to do things written very well in a very small font!!
Knitters Review How-To and their Knitters Review Forum have lots of answers to your questions you didn't know you had!
Specific Techniques
From the Keyboard Biologist three techniques very well explained:
Japanese Three Needle Bind Off
More Technique Help from Woolworks
General information and specific information about color, socks, knitting for dolls, spinning, dyeing, fiber information.
French Knot How to Video Tutorial
Cabling without a cable needle
Excellent explanation and visuals. Hats off to Grumperina!!
This is knitting which combines Eastern and Western techniques. I knit this way and love it. Annie is a published knitting author, pattern designer and frequent contributor to knitting magazine such as Interweave Knits.
My Fashionable Life Evolution of an edge
For something like a neckband, or a front band on a cardi (as shown above), where you want something that looks like stocking stitch but which lies flat, this is perfect. Here’s how it’s made:
Cast on an odd number of stitches (the sample shown below
uses 11).
Row 1: *K1, slip 1 with yarn in front* to last st, K1
Row 2: slip 1 with yarn in front, *K1, slip 1 with yarn in front* to end.
Repeat rows 1 and 2 until your tubular edging is the desired length. Cast off and mattress stitch in place.
Next, I want to see what happens if I put buttonholes in it. Think it’ll work?
Annie Modesitt's I-cord edge
Anonyknits Seaming Better Than You Remembered
a collection of links to various free handknitting toe and heel techniques for socks. I found this compilation on "lostpurl's" blog and couldn't resist including it on my list of How-To's. Thanks, Suzann.
This is from a sock knitters resource page and has some useful information in addition to helping you decipher common knitting abbreviations there is information on Kool-Aid dyeing, a Kool-Aid dyeing conversion chart (you didn't know you needed that, did you?!), picot cast-on, info. on washing yarns, needles and of course, quite a bit about SOCKS.
Joining in the Round: Preventing a Gap
A good video of how to prevent the gap when knitting in the round.
A good solution for storing circular needles. Office Depot has these pencil pouches, too, if you can't find them at Target.
This website and blog has some incredible explanations on how to do things such as unventing a cable, steeks, provisional cast-on, lace, etc. Beautifully written.
Tips on knitting, felting, installing a zipper, etc.
Just for fun, this is a Japanese How-To Website with lots of illustrations
How to "Make One", a knitting increase that is virtually invisible.
General information and specific techniques. Check out her "how to" and other links in the links section.
The tips page is a great list of explanations and "tips" for the more experienced knitter. This tips list is from the website Knitlist which is a place to get lots of free patterns, advice and a whole lot more.
Create your own graph paper for charting knitting patterns
Sara's blog for explaining knitting things: (she really (!) does explain things!)
Knitters Review How-To and their Knitters Review Forum have lots of answers to your questions you didn't know you had!
How to knit small circumferences using one long circular needle
How to Make or Line a Tote Bag
Once you have made your cute purse, you will want to put a magnetic closer, or snap inside to keep it closed. This site shows you how.
If you are making a Noni Bag, you might find this section useful. This shows some of the bags "in progress" and gives you some insight as to how they are put together since the pattern does not really give you any clues as to what it looks like "in progress".
Noni Camellia in progress
Twisted Knitter camellia in progress
The Noni unfurling rose before felting.
Colors for Noni bags
a reference for the Cascade 220 color #s for Noni Bags
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